I have promised to have 2 new songs on the site (which is something I can do rather nicely–that is sing and play the piano upon occasion) however in order to get these songs recorded, Charles Sauer (said husband and chief technical manager of Kay Buena.com) has to code the software, and /or stick his finger in the electric outlet a few times, in order to make his new digital gizmo work. Frankly, this seems extreme to me, when we have a perfectly good and seemingly capable (?) multi- track analog (?) set-up here that is just a few years old, hanging out-gathering dust on the shelf; but this is NOT the latest technology, ergo:It wouldn’t be prudent to go there, and use it. Naturally, if he were to be consulted on this issue, there is some detailed and long explanation to counter this suggestion (such as ‘it dont work”.)
I bought a 25$ cassette tape recorder from Radio Shack. It’s a little bigger than a deck of cards. Well, yeah , sure it doesn’t quite pick up the majesty of that big Steinway Grand piano, and my singing sounds a little like lou Rawls, but I’m not sure that this is a bad thing. But I couldn’t figure out how to transfer those recording here, if my life depended on it. Anyway, most of the songs that I’m playing are one’s recorded back in the 1920’s and 1930’s, when digital recording wasn’t happening. My father had a copy of Vernon Dalhart’s “Prisoner’s Song”/ (B-side) “Wreck of the OLE ’97,” ( for which any real country music fan, with a knowledge of it’s historical significance, would offer up his or her limbs. ) This record he played in the 1920’s on one of those wind up record players that were available back then…my guess is the sound quality of that was good enough for me, as my Dad (to this day and he’s 87 years old) still plays one hell of a good guitar and sings better than ever. He learned allot of his material off of such a machine, and yet his own performances are not impaired in anyway. Sometime’s, if you can’t hear ever little specific note, or sound that goes on, it is a ‘far, far better thing’, and a decent presentation, in my somewhat impatient opinion, however—what do I know? Nada.
And as far as the digital pictures of new works of Ort* that I promised to instantaneously appearing here, on this web site;(“*Art”-a translation from Texan is sometimes indicated as wise), I’m just too disconcerted and idiotic to remember to do stuff like that, as those of you who might have some experience in what “housewife”guilt and insular, internal fears can do–such as leave one frozen in inertia, so that these artistic things, though important to me at this time, tend to take their place at the end of the line. I’ve really no good excuse, however, one good thing about having grown children in one’s house hold,( as we do now) is every thing that is forgotten, or goofed up, or broken can be blamed on them. It’s like we have an implyed immunity from all blame, ’cause they are such obvious slugs, here in the Sauerosa. It’s their fault in some way, no question about it. They are fixing to move to their own apartment soon, so, we better use that one, while the offer’s still good. They didn’t get it done, as per usual, those irresponsible, ner’do wells. But I did play the songs: “You Talk Too Much” and “Shine on Harvest Moon” for my PeeWeeHerman Doll, and he was still smiling when it was over. Maybe I can still get that going, unless my inflammatory comment about Charles’ inability to “get off his ass”, was the true reason the recording wasn’t done. That’s quite possible. Perhaps, as a matter of political savvy, I should refuse to co-operate anytime soon, just to trump that rump. It’s never a good plan to appear impatient or enthusiastic to a Computer Scientist, they aren’t used to it, finding that behavior suspicious. What they really want is what they get from this machine, what ever that is– I have no idea; but what ever it is precludes all else, and is probably done in the manner and consecutive order of his command. Actually anything missing from here, is probably just Karmic, so you won’t come back and check it out. Yeah, I know no on gives a flying —-about this exclusion anyway, however, feed back is always appreciated.
And the song of the Day today, Friday August 3,2007 is a Hank Williams tune,: “You Gonna Change or I’m a Gonna Leave.” What was I doing before I spent way too much time on this? Oh, yeah…problem with me is a sheer fire short term memory loss, but I wish I could forget some of those things that happened a while back too, not that my long term memory is all that good–it’s too bad you can’t “dis-remember” what you want to, but remember the good stuff in minute detail.
What’s your excuse?
Kay Buena (AKA ) Miss Remember, C————-line Sauer