Dropping the Big One on Hiroshima and progress

August 6th, 2007

Today is the 67th anniversary of  dropping the big one on Hiroshima.  Whatever your view on that incident, this did pull the plug on WWII, which we must not forget when viewing all these sad and sorry stories in today’s news reports regarding this achievement.  Perspectives, people, are needed  when we come upon these occasions where the ‘greater good’ is neglected, in the press’s presentation of such happenings.  “Cause and Effect” can be a complex issue; but for those of us who have visited Pearl Harbor’s still existing memorial (where lay the battleship Arizona sunk there containing it’s crew in a watery grave,) we do not waste the day in regret or remorse.  In fact it has been my policy, as a ‘military brat’, to celebrate such occasions by doing something useful and symbolic.  I clean out all the cat boxes (whether they need it or not) on national holidays and private celebrations such as today.  Every one has his or her perspective, and opinion on this: but in truth: ‘you are what you do’, even the cats of the household here.  Let us not forget our own brave military service men who fought, and who many died in the Pacific campaign, as well as in Europe in the 1940’s. But for their efforts and sacrifice, we could be all working in a Toyota factory, or worse, instead of sitting around reading these dumb-shit blogs. 

     Speaking of Bombs, both Kay Buena and her technical advisor and programmer (and husband), Charles Sauer, did try once again to record on our new digital equipment, with no success.  ‘Could be a commie Plot. but the whole weekend was, indeed a most frustrating experience.  Hopefully today, as I work on the snoop Dogg portrait, I will have better luck.

Good luck to all on this day of contemplative enigmas.  Keep busy and hopefully they will pass.

Excuse the Procrastation, blame it on ———–?

August 3rd, 2007

I have promised to have 2 new songs on the site (which is something I can do rather nicely–that is sing and play the piano  upon occasion) however in order to get these songs recorded, Charles Sauer (said husband and chief technical manager of Kay Buena.com) has to code the software, and /or stick his finger in the electric outlet a  few times, in order to make his new digital gizmo work.  Frankly, this seems extreme to me, when we have a perfectly good and seemingly capable (?) multi- track analog (?) set-up here that is just a few years old, hanging out-gathering dust on the shelf; but this is NOT the latest technology, ergo:It wouldn’t be prudent to go there, and use it. Naturally, if he were to be consulted on this issue, there is some detailed and long explanation to counter this suggestion (such as ‘it dont work”.)

     I bought a 25$ cassette tape recorder from Radio Shack.  It’s a little bigger than a deck of cards. Well, yeah , sure it doesn’t quite pick up the majesty of that big Steinway Grand piano, and my singing sounds a little like lou Rawls, but I’m not sure that this is a bad thing. But I couldn’t figure out how to transfer those recording here, if my life depended on it.   Anyway, most of the songs that I’m playing are one’s recorded back in the 1920’s and 1930’s, when digital recording wasn’t happening.  My father had a copy of Vernon Dalhart’s “Prisoner’s Song”/ (B-side) “Wreck of the OLE ’97,” ( for which any real country music fan, with a knowledge of it’s historical significance, would offer up his or her limbs. ) This record he played in the 1920’s on one of those wind up record players that were available back then…my guess is the sound quality of that was good enough for me, as my Dad (to this day and he’s 87 years old) still plays one hell of a good guitar and sings better than ever.  He learned allot of  his material off of such a machine, and yet  his own performances are  not impaired in anyway. Sometime’s, if you can’t hear ever little specific note, or sound that goes on, it is a ‘far, far better thing’, and a decent presentation, in my somewhat impatient opinion, however—what do I know? Nada. 

      And as far as the digital pictures of new works of Ort*  that I promised to instantaneously appearing here, on this web site;(“*Art”-a translation from Texan is sometimes indicated as wise),  I’m just too disconcerted and idiotic to remember to do stuff like that, as those of you who might have some experience in what “housewife”guilt and insular, internal fears can do–such as leave one frozen in inertia, so that these artistic things, though important to me at this time, tend to take their place at the end of the line. I’ve really no good excuse, however, one good thing about having grown children in one’s house hold,( as we do now) is every thing that is forgotten, or goofed up, or broken can be blamed on them. It’s like we have an implyed immunity from all blame, ’cause they are such obvious slugs, here in the Sauerosa.  It’s their fault in some way, no question about it.  They are fixing to move to their own apartment soon, so, we better use that one, while the offer’s still good.  They didn’t get it done, as per usual, those irresponsible, ner’do wells.  But I did play the songs: “You Talk Too Much”  and “Shine on Harvest Moon” for my PeeWeeHerman Doll, and he was still smiling when it was over.  Maybe I can still get that going, unless my inflammatory comment about Charles’ inability to “get off his ass”, was the true reason the recording wasn’t done. That’s quite possible.   Perhaps, as a matter of political savvy, I should refuse to co-operate anytime soon, just to trump that rump.   It’s never a good plan to appear impatient or enthusiastic to a Computer Scientist, they aren’t used to it, finding that behavior suspicious.  What they really want is what they get from this machine, what ever that is– I have no idea; but what ever it is  precludes all else, and is probably done in the manner and consecutive order of his command.  Actually anything missing from here, is probably just Karmic, so you won’t come back and check it out.   Yeah, I know no on gives a flying —-about this exclusion anyway, however, feed back is always appreciated.      

     And the song of the Day today, Friday August 3,2007 is a Hank Williams tune,:  “You Gonna Change or I’m a Gonna Leave.” What was I doing before I spent way too much time on this?  Oh, yeah…problem with me is a sheer fire short term memory loss, but I wish I could forget some of those things that happened a while back too, not that my long term memory is all that good–it’s too bad you can’t “dis-remember” what you want to, but  remember the good stuff in  minute detail.

What’s your excuse?

 Kay Buena (AKA ) Miss Remember, C————-line Sauer

The Critics are everywhere.

August 2nd, 2007


     Not that this matters a whole lot, but I generally have my home page set for Googling and a variety of news and other subjects that are strange and usual.  I also keep Kevin Smith’s My Boring Ass Life available for serious meditation at hand, when the press is so persistent in presenting the most terrifying happenings, or idiotic incidentals, the more the merrier in this bizarre world.  When reading news, It’s always good to keep one’s perspective applicable to one’s role in society. Like, I often have to remind myself that I am not the secretary of defense, as I read these reports of the war in the middle east, and or that most of these world and local reports are just that, and over which I have no control.  Not that that is necessarily a good thing.   But among today’s articles was an extensive one on body language, which, I gotta say, truly just all out sucked.  For instance: yes, when one stands with one’s arms crossed in front of the chest this could indicate an unopened, protective, uncomfortable stance, probably directed at whomever is addressed.  But, this is just such generalized crap that after reading said article, I had to do my little body gesture of my own: mainly that of throwing my self down to the floor while kicking, screaming,and crying–to indicate my apparent disagreement with the simplification of such a complex and case sensitive science (?)  It is my belief that this simplistic attitude would be abhorrent to a real people-watcher, to the point of being illogical and with out  true purpose or worth.  Except, that is, to the Author who’s life experience is of a ‘dubious and questionable’ nature…other that he or she dreams of her Pulitzer, in a down right delusional fashion.

     Example: Crossed arms in front of my chest, which supposedly means one is uncomfortable or not open to what ever is being discussed; crossed arms, when in my case, and upon many occasion indicates my intention to cover up some stain on my torso, as this is inevitable given physics and gravity’s very existence.  Or maybe, one could be crossing one’s arms to indicate ‘delay of game’ – a real problem at many a football game. See what I mean?  You just can’t tell what someone’s up to, but their pose.  Especially to a trained Ballet dancer.  I mean, would a really correct and successful second position indicate the intention of  the beginning of a series of turns, or does this person have a obsessive-compulsively unacceptable way of passing gas? You can never really know.

     Frankly, I have so many artificial body parts that I’m lucky if I can stand up right and walk, much less have the ability to worry about any little sub-gesture having some hidden meaning or clue to my mood or outlook on life, especially when that little sub-gesture which in my case is probably an attempt to balance my self to prevent falling, or an attempt to grab something not really there, though my bifocals say otherwise.  All of those tips on the secret revelation of another’s mind-set or attitude just have no relationship with the reality of an old crippled geezer, and that would be me,for instance, to say nothing of a child, who hasn’t had the opertunity to study this stupid idiocy, and the idea of practicing in-front of a mirror (as recommended) or taking a video of one’s movements is just sick, and what’s the point in that? Maybe you might have insight into what you are really thinking, or doing if  you saw your self doing so?  Come on, and get over this approach to understanding people.  And really if you are happy, or surprised, or horrified what do you do to physically indicate those emotions?( A.) the gesture ripped off from “The Scream”, or Mccauley Caulken’s open mouthed, hands to the cheeks, after he applied the after-shave.Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh (B.) Jump up and down, hands waving wildly in the air while shouting ‘you’re killing me! as loudly as possible or (C.)Smile like a banshee while running from the scene to avoid being examined for physical clues as to your intentions, (D) go for the always appropriate “Jack Benny stance”–one arm crossing the waist, one balanced on that and to the cheek”, as if you are dead panning the always approaching apocalyptic doom of what’s possible and just wait it out.  Who knows? And that’s my point.  Well, at least this time there is one.

     By the way, yesterdays “Song of the Day” was “You talk too Much” (isn’t that Ernie K. Doe and Allan Tousaint ?) -came out in very early 1960’s and is a true classic and somewhat applicable to my blog. (Too bad. If the press gets to mouth off like that, with out mercy, so do I.) But today’s song of the day is :”Shine on Harvest Moon.” The version of this one, I learned from watching Mance Lipscomb, so it’s presented in a very unusual style.  If I can get the technical expert off his ass today, we’ll put out a rough cut of both, for your  possible enjoyment.  The day is young.  Who knows what really lurks?

!st–Live Kay Buena: thoughts of the day, song of the day.

August 1st, 2007

      It is a remarkable thing that what ever notoriety I have received as a visual artist, is from my Computer destruction, relief sculptures (inside pun), as I was trained quite classically at the University of Texas in the late 60’s.  This was back in the McKinley administration, when you really had to know how to draw, paint, or sculpt, and/or  take artfully notable photographs and know how to process them–without computer help; an unimaginable concept these days.  We were also expected to take 36 hours of art history, so we had some idea of the growth and nature of Art.  It was in these college days that an unforeseen development occurred; as it has so often done back in the past: I write of  the conceptional art wave, like Andy Warhol’s work, or a slide off’s of Picasso’s bicycle seat portrait, and even in the late 60’s, some of these junk induced works which were beginning to make it to the “walls of the art building’s display”, a year-round  sort of Student Gallery they were even then.   I vaguely remember some “modernist” savvy students’s sculpture displayed there (it was some sort of a ”statement” (?) starting from an old toilet (hung on the Wall) with addon’s.) It was a shitty deal, no joke, and ignored by most, however I remember a moment I spent shared with  my now deceased, very talented and well known, mostly realistically inspired,  famous, old-school sculpture professor, Charles Umlauf.  He was quite disturbed and puzzled by this particular work with the toilet and all.   He and I worked closely in my junior and senior year and shared the same opinion that this was just ‘junk on the wall’.  He actually turned to me and asked what it meant; to which I replied,”I don’t get it either.” Then he continued his diatribe about this work, which was wonderfully done.    At one time he said it was something that looked like “a dope ‘add-dick‘” (accent on the first syllable, his speaking was unique in that he was originally German, immigrated to the Chicago area where he studied at The Chicago Institute of Art, which was a big deal…so I think he thought in German, but didn’t have much of an accent*). would do and just leave around…” *Having no accent in Texas is strange indeed. The whole experience haunts me.

 However, there are time’s when I am drawing, even to this day, when  I hear his encouraging comments or directions, especially when trying portraits.  I’ve been working on a truly fine portrait of snoop Dogg, from a photo, which I will sell on this site later, after Mr. Umlauf and I are finished with it.  I think it’s really “dope.” 

But I don’t use street drugs anymore–who knows what’s in them?  That sort of thing is suspicious as all get out to me, even if I do hear from the dead.  I mean: what’s in those street drugs anyway?  They could be produced in the toliet for all we know…but that is a me in digression as usual. 

       But my Shot up computer and cell phones are by far what gets the attention.  I wonder why that is? They are usually visually appealing, even with all the bullet holes. But maybe we just all share in the desire to gain revenge on computers, etc. and these works are obviously that.  Nothing lives though a 10 hollow point clip to the center and keeps on ticking.

     In truth, had I been older and as bold of an old hag that I am now, I might have attempted some sort of stupid explanation to Mr. Umlauf about the Toilet Sculpture, and how it (?) was considered Art-by some.  How ever it did not have the restful, trophy-like presence of my better stupid conceptual art works, like said shot up computers, etc.  Actually, I intend to post more on this site, if I can figure out how to use this damn digital camera, with out taking my pistola out and working it over too.

Just a little humor indicated there, Charles, (my much discussed husband, who is more patient and semi-literate in ‘ART’. as any non believer can be…your camera is safe with me).